Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mrs. Idaho U.S. Ambassador 2013

The name of this blog has been changed to Mrs. Idaho U.S. Ambassador, because I am now the state title holder I thought it would be fun to share my experiences here. I will post here a bit, but if you want to keep up with me, you will need to follow my motivational speaking page, since my whole point of being mrs. Idaho is to spread the platform. Go HERE
In June I had the opportunity to apply for a new program called the Mrs. ID, U.S. Ambassador assoc. It’s like pageant but platform only. I love how pageant has changed my life, and don’t get me wrong when I say I am thankful for the levels it pushed me in every area including physical fitness. But I always had an internal struggle with the swimsuit thing. I think it’s important to be able to prove that you don’t sit on the couch every day, but how your body looks doesn’t exactly  make a good leader. This always bothered me. I don’t judge others by waist size and so it’s awkward to have that done for me. Anyone who has ever talked to me about the pageant experience would know, my love of pageant is everything you get to do platform wise, BEFORE pageant night actually occurs. I love working my platform and being able to support the other gals in theirs as well. I think the ambassador assoc is more me. A bit easier for me to promote because It’s platform only. I feel it just has more substance to it. So I just share with the judges the work I am doing, where I am at with it, my website and bio etc and then the judges decide. If you are interested in learning more and applying for next year’s program click HERE you can also visit www.mrsusambassador.com 
 The committee chose me, to represent Idaho as Mrs. Idaho Ambassdor 2013
Now I just have to get everything ready for Nationals. Working hard and praying I can get done what I had a goal of finishing!

I had been praying to help find a way to get the word out on what I am doing. I never expected to be handed a state title, But I will take it. It’s been so so amazing to see how god has helped me. I can’t wait to see what is in my future and pray that I can use this national title to change lives What a neat life I have. And what a neat life YOU can create for yourself as well. HUGS~Tina

Mrs. Idaho U.S. pageant 2013

I did a pageant Feb 1, 2013 and never even recorded the events of it afterwards! Oops sorry! When I originally signed up for Mrs. Id U.S. pageant my head did NOT want to do it.
The prior Monday I had made the decision that it was time for me to start doing some writing or anything dealing with reaching out to the youth, to teach them etc, I knew it was part of the plan and it fit right in with the work. Then weds night I dreamed I did pageant so it was on my mind all day, then Thrs night I got the email from the Mrs. U.S. director asking me to join. As talked to her on the phone, I didn’t want to do pageant. I don’t like the fund raising part of it all, and the busyness of it all. But in my heart I knew I had to do it. I was just more of an “it’s time” feeling nagging me. I knew I had to get going with the motivational speaking. I had no clue how it would all work out, but I knew it was TIME. Then 2 weeks later we learned that we were going to get the chance to be televised! So what this meant for me is that I got to be on TV, say who I was, what I was doing and hope that it got my name out there! There were only 7 girls doing pageant this year.
During the process of me seeking to be a speaker, I corasponded with a lot of people, writers, speakers etc. This ended up ultimately, giving me all the resources I needed to succeed. I just got online and just started googling “how to be a motivational speaker” “ youth motivational speakers” those sorts of things, Then I would send emails and start asking questions, tips on speaking, how do I do this etc. People excitedly got back to me!  I got some good book references, joined toastmasters and with the business trainings of Heather Madder. I decided to create a program that I could sell online. So I am creating what I call “Victors Of Our Future Academy” with classes and workbooks etc. The first I did is “Mission Possible” a workshop on setting goals, I am also doing one on honesty,  victim vs victor, connecting with your higher power, service, forgiveness/apologies and staying positive.  This is just my main ideas. Some things will cost money and be a part of the academy and some not.  I will try to make up workbooks for as many as possible like I did with the mission possible.
Anyway, so Pageant was on Feb 1, 2013.
 I roomed with Kristie Bear the night before, Then we went to rehearsals the next morning, and did that all day the next day until pageant started. I did end up winning the “woman of the year” and was so happy. Kristie won Mrs. Idaho U.S. 2013
I would have liked to have won the Mrs. Idaho Title, but I was perfectly happy with the award I did win of “woman of the year” and happy with the work that I was able to get done along the way.I was happy with that award, I felt it had a lot of substance to it. Here were the guidelines for that award  “WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD”
Friends, family, colleagues are encouraged by each delegate seeking this award to submit letters of recommendation of their favorite delegate that explain in detail why they feel that through the contribution this woman makes whether by being a mother, through their community service, contribution to their workforce etc they see them as most deserving of this award.

 The judges chose me. People I don’t even know personally, wrote in. It was really touching and my favorite part is that there were so many similarities in what people had said. These are people who have known me a few months, and/or many many years. To me this meant I am consistent in who I am, and always have been. That was really neat to me. Thank you all who contributed to that wonderful pile of letters there were about 25!

 I also didn’t feel like I needed to be Mrs. Idaho to continue doing what I was going to do. I am already doing it anyways! In my own mind I am already my own Mrs. Idaho. I had a lot of friends cheering for me at pageant that was fun. My dad also came, I was so happy that he was able to, and chose to do that. I have the best support from the best friends and family.

So for the last few months I’ve been working so hard, My main goals was to have my main 6 classes ready by the time school started back up so I would have more to offer the schools and students. Had a few road blocks, random health issues and a crazy eye infection that lasted 6 weeks! But we got through it and I still believe I will reach my goal!