Saturday, December 6, 2008

another parade, another illnes...dang!

Well, after being sick last weekend and missing the Boise Parade I have to say I was a bit sad. When I found out that there was another parade this weekend I was very exited that I would still have the chance to do a parade. My stomach had been bothering me all week, after having the flu I just didn't feel all that great all week and then Thursday it just started to get worse. Then Friday night I was up all night again sick! I couldn't believe that I was once again, going to miss the parade! What is up with that? Oh well. Maybe I should take a bit better care of myself? who knows. I also had an appearance to make today at a nativity around the world I helped coordinate. Tons of people bring there nativities and display them. I didn't even get to go! I hope I get feeling better soon and stay better! I have a life to live here!

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