Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mrs. Boise Idaho United States

Well I have joined the pageant world once again. It was an amazing experience last time in 2009 with the America pageant and I treasure that experience. I never thought I would do pageant again, but I also believe there is a time and a place for all things. I am now with the United States pageant, this fell into my lap along with a few other events that it just felt like the thing to do. My main focus is Youth motivational speaking. I have spent a little over a year volunteering at the womens jail. What a neat experience it is to be able to offer support ad uplift people who really need it, and want it! I am very close to having my first elementary school appearance {speech} ready. Naturally I have to adapt my topics with the age groups that they apply to. I have been preparing to do youth motivational speaking for some time now and decided to just take the leap. I am planning on using my title to help speed up the process. I would like to share with the youth a few of these topics: Living an honest, positive life, Choosing good friends, Enduring through hard times, and learning from them, How happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey, Goal setting, How our choices and lifestyle can affect the people around us, and our life, both for better and worse. Over all my message is: we are not victims of our past, but victors of our future. I cannot wait to continue my work doing this and I am so happy to share this journey with you all. Thank you for sharing this journey with me ~Tina If you are interested in helping with my cause,you can contact me at tinamarie1999@hotmail.com All donations are greatly appreciated. If you would like a spot for advertising we can arrange that. Also don't forget! I have an etsy store, money for all purchases go directly to me because I am the artist for the store. I will be using it to help with pageant fee's. www.tinytinacreations.etsy.com